Archive for the ‘Table Talks’ Category

Now that my Table Talks project is taking shape, i decided to rephotograph Christine outside her actual home. Unlike the others portraits I have taken for this, the weather was cold and wet, so i wanted to capture that warm cosy homely feeling.

I have always admired this house. It is very ‘grand’ for Bridgetown. I actually shot Richard Trigwell for Countryman in it. Anne is Richard’s daughter and together with her husband, they work hard in the grounds to make the exterior as beautiful as it is. Anne wanted me to photograph it in full bloom when she is hosting an open garden day, so i may go back and reshoot.

I run past Maureen and Derek’s house most mornings with my dogs. It really is the perfect idyllic Bridgetown house. Maureen is a music teacher and works from home, and as this was photographed in the day, i thought it was apt that it was just her.
I decided to use flash and natural light, and i think it works really well, allowing the subject to stand out without taking away from the environment.

I originally went to photograph Sarah in front of her home, but decided on arrival that her caravan was more significant to her life currently. Also her patio, the succulent garden and the array of things scattered around was much more ‘Sarah’ than the lonesome chair out the front. She goes away in the caravan regularly with her dog Jorji and fiance Aaron. We were going to wait for Aaron to return from work so he could be involved, but on hearing that Jorji and Aaron are not the best of friends, i decided that we would just have Sarah, hanging out with her dog. Sorry Aaron.